Services Offered
How it works
Logos/ Web Banners Gallery
Flyers, Ads, misc. Gallery
Drawing / Painting Gallery
3D Gallery
Payment Options
Contact Info

Unlimited Revisions Policy:

>>> Please note; I will offer unlimited revisions on any work. This is a very rare offer, because it can become a real heachache for a designer. Typically, most designers offer a max of 2-3 revisions on their work. The reason I do not put a limit on revisions, is because I don't want to leave one of my customers feeling unsatisfied in any way.

Guaranteed Satisfaction Policy:

>>> I mention my satisfaction guaranteed policy throughout this website. I want to make clear to potential customers that they have no reason to be concerned about working with me. It is as simple as this: If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with my work; then no payment will ever be expected.

Copyright Policy:

All images on this website are property of Onlinegraphicdesign.net, and should not for any purposes be copied or "saved as" without my permission. This includes images from ALL galleries. Saving and editing of any of my images is also prohibited. Once any work is purchased from me, full ownership of that work then belongs to the purchaser. I will never sell the same thing twice. This goes for all of my work; not excluding the pre-made logo designs/or styles. Even though work, once sold, belongs totally to it's purchaser; I do reserve the right to display it in my portfolio.

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