Services Offered
How it works
Logos/ Web Banners Gallery
Flyers, Ads, misc. Gallery
Drawing / Painting Gallery
3D Gallery
Payment Options
Contact Info

$99. All original custom made logo designs done to your liking. This price goes for all custom logo designs. Some of the pre-made logos/styles go for a bit more, but for the most part they run for $99 as well. Custom logo designs have unlimited revisions!

Custom Business Card Designs:

$75. All original custom made business card design, done to your liking. Unlimited revisions!


$99. All original custom made flyer design, done to your liking. Unlimited revisions!

Album Covers:

$99. All original custom made album cover, done to your liking. Unlimited revisions!

Cards (Invitation, Graduation, etc.):

$50. All original custom made card design, done to your liking. Unlimited revisions!


$30. All original custom made designs, done to your liking. Unlimited revisions!

Website Headers:

$99. All original custom made website headers done to your liking. Unlimited revisions!


If there is something you would like done that is not listed on this page, then please email or call me (please see contact page). I will promptly respond with a price.
